If you’re worried because you have limited budget for the courses, just relax – all of our course fees and rates are very competitive. You’ll get the full quality of our courses without compromising the cost.
About Us
Welcome to ACL Medical Training, LLC.
ACL Medical Training, LLC seeks to instill in its adult student learners the optimal skills and exploratory experiences to meet quality standards expected in the healthcare field. As a community of learners, this school strives for excellence, unlocking the full potential of individuals to reach highest academic achievements and professional growth. This will be accomplished through continued cooperation between school, community affiliates and students.
Professionalism: Conducting one’s self in a manner that is consistent with professional standards. Hold ourselves and each other accountable for actions. Aspire to high ideals: honor, respect, caring, compassion, communication, leadership and responsibility.
Accountability: Establishes clear goals, measure progress, and takes responsibility for results and teaches students to become responsible and self- motivated learners.
Education: Provide students with a challenging, well-rounded education that encompasses wellness, empathy, compassion and humanities which foster students’ social and emotional well-being.
Diversity: Recognizing the rights of all individuals with mutual respect and acceptance of others without biases based on differences of any kind.
Life – Long Learning: Continue to challenge our own professional growth and personal development and strive to instill a love of learning in students.
Vision of Graduate
ACL Medical Training, LLC is committed to preparing students to function effectively in the healthcare profession. Each student’s unique path to achievement is supported in an academically exciting, innovating and inspiring environment. Therefore, in addition to acquiring a core body of knowledge*, all students will develop their individual capacities to:
~Critically interpret, evaluate, and synthesize information
~Communicate effectively for a given purpose
~Collaborate with others to produce a unified work and or heightened understanding
~Contribute to community through dialogue, service, and or leadership
~Conduct themselves in an ethical and responsible manner
~Respect and recognize other cultural contexts and points of view
~Respond to failures and successes with reflection and resilience
The core body of knowledge is established in local curricular documents which reflect national and state standards as well as workplace expectations.*
Take control of your professional medical journey. ACL Medical Training, LLC will help you all the way!